Yoga and the Guru Question

Yoga and the Guru Question By Jeff Martens (excerpted from “How We Live Our Yoga” – Beacon Press, 2002) Long ago a farmer in desperate need of water for his crops started digging a well.  When he had dug deep enough to cover his head without finding water, the farmer would climb out of the hole and trudge his way …

“Freedom From Stress”

Freedom from Stress Jeff Martens To believe that we are free is a very popular notion in today’s Western society, yet at times it seems this freedom of choice only leads us to experience deeper levels of stress, distraction, judgement and anxiety.  Spiritual Masters from many disciplines define true freedom as the ability to choose our attitude in any situation.  …

Be In The Moment

by Peggy The room at the ASU Student Center is huge, and cold, and filled with young students.  I am 50 and at my first yoga class.  Its hard.  I cant fold or balance.  Even sitting with my legs crossed is hard to do for 5 minutes.  I think, “How can I do any of this if I cant even …