“Perfect Yoga Posture”

The Perfect Posture by Jeff Martens Praiyatna-saithilyananta-samapattibhyam YS 2.47 praiyatna = effort saithilya = relaxation ananta = endless, boundless samapattibhyam = integrated coalescense, unified contemplation “Perfected posture is relaxation of struggle and meditation on the Infinite.” Out of all the verses in the Yoga Sutra, Patanjali has just three sutras on asana or (meditation) posture.  Essentially, they state: 1) Posture should be steady/grounded and feel …

Yoga and the Guru Question

Yoga and the Guru Question By Jeff Martens (excerpted from “How We Live Our Yoga” – Beacon Press, 2002) Long ago a farmer in desperate need of water for his crops started digging a well.  When he had dug deep enough to cover his head without finding water, the farmer would climb out of the hole and trudge his way …

“Freedom From Stress”

Freedom from Stress Jeff Martens To believe that we are free is a very popular notion in today’s Western society, yet at times it seems this freedom of choice only leads us to experience deeper levels of stress, distraction, judgement and anxiety.  Spiritual Masters from many disciplines define true freedom as the ability to choose our attitude in any situation.  …

Be In The Moment

by Peggy The room at the ASU Student Center is huge, and cold, and filled with young students.  I am 50 and at my first yoga class.  Its hard.  I cant fold or balance.  Even sitting with my legs crossed is hard to do for 5 minutes.  I think, “How can I do any of this if I cant even …

What Are the Yoga Sutras?

Very little is known about Patanjali, the author/editor of the Yoga Sutra written some time around 500 BCE.  Obviously familiar with the Vedic teachings of the Hindu tradition and probably aware of early Buddhist understanding, Patanjali transcends all religious, political and social divisions to touch the Soul’s heart and re-introduce us to a state of being-ness which transcends all divisions …

“Creating” Change

by Jeff Martens Sabda jnana anupati vastusunya vikalpah Imagination is the vacillating knowledge of an object based on words or expression, though the object itself is absent. –Yoga Sutra I.9 Spiritual Masters often remind us, as we think so shall we become.  According to Patanjali, the grandfather of classical yoga philosophy, imagination can be used to help or hinder us …


By Michelle Hegmon August I am an independent, still-fairly-young woman.   I am a professor.  I like my job, I like my colleagues.  I am happily married.  I have good friends.  Everything is fine.  Everything is under control.  I am a climber.  I am even reasonably comfortable with my tomboy body. My friend Peggy pays me a great compliment.  Peggy says: …

Ashtanga Practice

Ashtanga Yoga Background and Introduction By Michelle Hegmon Ashtanga means eight limbs in Sanskrit and refers to the eight limbs of Yoga set forth by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras: Yamas (external discipline, ethics), Niyamas (internal discipline), Asana (posture or seat), Pranayama (breath control), Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), Dharana (focus, concentration), Dhyana (meditation), and Samadhi (integration). The practice of what is today …

Ashtanga Invocation

The Ashtanga Invocation vande gurunam charanaravinde sandarsita svatmasukhava bodhe nihsreyase jangalikayamane samsara halahala mohasantyai abahu purusakaram sankhacakrasi dharinam sahasra sirasam svetam pranamami patanjalim om Translation: I bow to the lotus feet of the guru who awakens insight into the happiness of pure Being, who is the final refuge, the jungle physician, who eliminates the delusion caused by the poisonous herb …

Ashtanga-Sun Salute/Counting

Ashtanga Yoga: Sun Salutations and Counting Following the invocation, students stand in “Samasthiti” or “equal-standing posture”.  Sun Salutations provide the opening foundation for the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga practice.  (Click here for more info on Sun Salutations).  The sun salutations (5xA and 5xB) begin the actual practice: # Sanskrit Surya Namaskara A Surya Namaskara B 1 ekam (AAY-Kaam) tadasana – arms up …