Donna Martens – Co-director Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy

Donna DiNunzio Martens (500 E-RYT) teaches Therapeutic Yoga classes informed by the classical yoga tradition to work kinetic chains, create healthy spinal alignment and improve core stability.  She combines the latest science with ancient yoga techniques for mindfulness, meditation and spirituality to create an embodied healing experience.  Her love of evidence-based strategies in Stress Reduction, Functional Anatomy and Therapeutic Interventions strengthens her belief that emotional integration and physical strength are connected.  Her teachings re-establish a vibrantly enlightened mind-body awareness and connectivity.  Donna is CoDirector and Co-Founder of the Healing Emphasis Yoga Institute and Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy.

Oh my, your Yin class this morning was FABULOUS!  I did it on the LOVE stream, and it was just what I was looking for… I could do this one every day! – Laurie

I think Donna is a great teacher because she truly understands how the body works. – Allison

I just wanted to say how much Jeremy and I have loved joining Inner Vision. We have been taking Donna’s yin class most Sundays, and she is wonderful. – Dana

Private Sessions

Donna has had particular success working privately with clients to facilitate the rehabilitation of chronic pain, joint stiffness, tendonitis and arthritis, including the release of Frozen Hip and Frozen Shoulder.

Click here for a private Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy session with Donna  

She assists those seeking to avoid Hip Replacement, shoulder surgery or injections through the natural healing power of yoga and movement therapies to restore lost range of motion, balanced strength and flexibility. Over time, chronic  pain dissolves, lost mobility and flexibility return, along with functional strength.  For those wishing to manage chronic low back pain and spinal disc herniations, Donna’s trains the body with movement patterns that stabilize and strengthen the spinal and core muscles so you feel safe again, resuming a full and active life.

Donna’s private Yoga Therapy sessions address the whole person and the root causes of chronic and persistent conditions in Spine, Hips and Shoulders. She uses somatic techniques from Moshe Feldenkrais, myofascial release and unwinding techniques, targeted postural stretching and yoga pose body-weight resistance to restore mobility and functional movement patterns. Donna also helps you address deeply-held psychoenergetic and emotional tension by healing stress patterns contributing to an upregulated nervous system. She uses yoga breath work (pranayama), Neurogenic tremoring, and Yoga Nidra (deep subconscious reprogramming and stress relief) with meditation to help you feel more like your true self again.

I am dealing with frozen shoulder and appreciate your emphasis on shoulder stretching and strengthening. I was in physical therapy, but honestly find that your exercises are better.  – Janice

My husband has experienced a couple of really good nights of sleep since his session with you!  It’s a little unbelievable, honestly.  He is having a reduction in pain that is quite impressive, as well.  – Michelle

I really appreciated all of your and encouragement in giving me the space to participate and process as I needed to during the darkest times for me.  You told me that your program would take me through a process of healing and you were right.   – Heidi



Practice Yoga Nidra in the Comfort of your Home!

This original soundtrack developed by Donna Martens will guide you into deep restorative relaxation and open your mind to experiencing joy more readily in your life.  Nidra is an ancient yogic technique that allows for deep re-patterning of consciousness and deep healing of physical, emotion and psychological imbalances.

Get your Copy: MP3 Download: $8 (Please click here to use the contact form and order)

The meditation is amazing and it’s keeping us very sane and balanced…” – Jodi and Mike

I wanted to let you know that the Yoga Nidra recording is beautiful and it really works!  … my surgeon told for the first time that I may never regain full range of motion in my knee.  Prior to this, the surgeon and PT would only keep repeating that they “expect [me] to make a full recovery.”  … I was fairly agitated.  But two things really helped: The recording allowed me to feel my emotions and let myself be angry and sad.  And amazingly enough, once I let myself actually be with the emotions for a bit, they started to go away on their own just as the meditation states.  Your Yoga Nidra session worked so amazingly well!  Totally re-centered me.  – Vanessa

Click here for a private Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy session with Donna.

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