Sound Bath and Guided Meditation for the Chakras In Person

with Karmie Christian

Aug. 11th, 2024
Sunday 12:30 – 2:00pm
in Tempe

Summer is a time for celebrating the fire within… a season of action that brings forth the fruits of our labor, that teaches us about reaching further beyond ourselves than we ever have before. Join Karmie for a seasonal offering of sound and meditation designed to celebrate our growth and to bask in the light of our work.

Reserve your space now and join us for a truly soul-nourishing experience.
Karmie Christian is a certified E-RYT500 yoga teacher and a certified sound healing practitioner offering seasonal sound baths with guided meditation here at Inner Vision Yoga. 

Karmie’s Bio

Price is $25 by Aug. 4th, 2024, $35 after.



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