Registration & Application

The journey of a thousand steps begins
with the ground beneath your feet.
– Lao Tzu

Registering for your Inner Vision Yoga Teacher Training transformational journey is as easy as 1-2-3! Read the prerequisites below, fill out the application, pay your tuition or deposit.

Entering the Program

Inner Vision Yoga Teacher Training/ Advanced Studies offer 200 hour and Healing Emphasis Yoga Master Studies programs. All programs are state licensed and Yoga Alliance Registered.

To provide you with a program rich with individual attention, a brief application process is necessary to ensure the best learning experience possible. Please be sure to specify whether you are interested in the 200 Hour or Healing Emphasis Yoga hour program.

200 Hour Training

Prerequisites and Requirements

The Inner Vision Yoga Up To 200 hour program helps you prepare for the opportunity to deepen or share your practice of yoga at any yoga studio, gym or other setting where Advanced Studies experience is desired. Prerequisites include:

  • At least six months of active and consistent yoga practice.
  • Please note: For your own well being and to get the most out of your training, those students wishing to get a certificate and teach will need to enter the training with at least a basic understanding of common asanas and Surya Namaskar to be admitted to the program. For Applicants new to Inner Vision, it is strongly urged (though not required) that you take a class with any of the following teachers – Jeff Martens (Director and Owner), Maredith Schroeder (Assistant Director), Michele Dante (Owner) or Aaron Goldberg (Owner). If you would like to do this, please contact admissions to arrange this class as part of your application.
  • Some meditation experience preferred.
  • Commitment to attend 2-3 yoga classes per week in addition to Advanced Studies Classes (You will be given 10 weeks of free unlimited yoga to complete this requirement.)
  • Enthusiasm, joy and dedication to the path of learning and teaching.
  • Brief Application Process and phone interview.

200 Hour Attendance Policy

We make every effort to help you graduate!

If a class is missed the hours must be made up. Up to 12 Hours may be made up with approved in-studio workshops/retreats. If 13 or more hours are missed the classes must be made up during the next cycle of IVYTT or re-arranged substitutions. If you do not complete all coursework and requirements within a two year time frame, an additional $150 charge will apply.

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Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy Program

After filling out the Inner Vision Yoga HEY Therapy Program Application and upon acceptance after a brief interview, A yoga therapy administration fee of $599 enters you into the program. All further expenses are paid with each workshop’s specific fees.

All textbooks are an additional fee. Many of the texts and reading will be made available online at no charge.

A Yoga Therapy administrative fee of $599 enters you into the program and covers these benefits for 24 months from your start date or until completion of the program workshop hours, whichever comes first:

  • Online livestream and database classes included with your tuition (including observe and assist classes and mentorships and those classes required for journaling)
  • Special discounts for in-person class packages if desired.
  • workshop practicum hours and homework
  • 20% discount on class packages*
  • 10% off all required and suggested textbooks*
  • 10% off all retail regularly priced purchases.*
  • 20% off all non-HEY Inner Vision Yoga Workshops (Workshops not listed as a HEY workshop.)*

*no other discounts apply.Textbooks are made available for each workshop in limited supply top be purchased with your discount.

There will be 15-17 training workshops (190+ direct contact hours) required for graduation, including a Practicum and Administrative section.

Prerequisites and Requirements

  • At least 2 years of regular yoga practice.
  • Prior 200-hour or 500-hour certification (rare exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis).
  • 6 months teaching experience in the areas of yoga, holistic healing, or spiritual psychology.
  • You may also experience this program as an advanced studies course on your personal journey of healing.

HEY Attendance Policy

Missed classes are subject to the HEY make-up policy provided upon registration. You will have varied opportunities and options to make up missed sessions.

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Specialty Teaching Certificate (CEU) Yoga Teacher Training

You may purchase your specialty training program online or in person – tuition is $249.

You will receive a list of classes – 10 hours to attend and 15 hours to observe. We will work with you to choose the classes that best suit what you want to learn.

You will need to turn in your unique individual or karma yoga project in the form of a one page summary along with a list of your completed TT classes and observe forms.

Once that is completed, you will receive your 30-hour certificate!

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