Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy Master Training Testimonials

(Above picture: Donna Martens, Healing Emphasis Yoga on the road in Alaska)

Who are our students?

Graduates of the Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy master Training Program come from all walks of life including nurses, psychiatrists, therapists, physical therapists, school counselors, yoga teachers, mothers and fathers, school teachers and many many more…

This Yoga therapy teacher training program has been changing lives since 2011!

Here is what our graduates are saying about the Healing Emphasis Yoga™ Therapy Teacher Training program*

Pure JOY!!!  And the added bonus of using this work and having the embodied experiences enhances my health and I’ve truly LEARNED how yoga therapy works!!  SO EXCITED!!  – B.W.

I am 8 Months pregnant with our second child, and feeling incredibly inspired with my work, much from the HEY program:) and also facilitating Somatic Breathwork. I see private clients and also offer group sessions a few times a month. I have created a 4-Month Women’s Mentorship Program that weaves all of my trainings, experience, and passions into a really beautiful container.  It’s evolved from the final group project I did for HEY, and expanded in many incredible ways. – L.S.

I have loved this program, the mentorship, wisdom and experience of getting to know myself, my truths and true desires in life. A very ongoing and transformative journey. I’m grateful to you and Jeff for all you’ve taught and the time you dedicate to helping others heal themselves. – BW

I recommend this unique healing therapy yoga program.  You were meant to meet loving, understanding and deeply moving teachers and co-students that end up as friends that go through thick and thin with you… and welcome you as you are.  We are meant to have awareness and Aha! moments in our lives.  For me, Healing Emphasis Yoga was an AHA! of many moments.  I didn’t know I wore armor but I peeled back the layers to find such joy and love that I had been longing for most of my life.  The armor comes off when you are in this safe environment.  Learning also about proper postures to aid the body in countless ways for healing and health all goes together in this well-rounded program.  – J.C.

Jeff and Donna impart their deep and wide knowledge of healing yoga therapies through guiding each of the students through their own healing experience. After participating in and experiencing this program, my understanding of yoga has transformed and has significantly informed and changed my teaching. I am so grateful. – H.N.

The yoga teacher training program that Inner Vision Yoga offers was very well-rounded with lots of education on anatomy and good postural alignments as well as in depth teaching and guidance on yogic philosophy and it’s application to life. I felt that I was well supported in the process of deepening my skills as a teacher and as a student of yoga as well as learning alot about the therapeutic benefits of yoga in theory and in practice. The teachers are phenomenal and so down to earth. We had alot of opportunities to practice teaching, assisting and observing as well as learning from exceptional teachers. I gained a wealth of knowledge and experience that I will be integrating and leaning on for the rest of my life, let alone my career as a yoga teacher. – D.B.

The 500 hour program is an in-depth study on how multiple factors effect a person’s well-being, including emotional, physical, trauma, mental, cultural, and spiritual. This establishes a well-rounded, holistic perspective from which a master teacher can discern their entry point into creating a program for a client. Expert instructors teach you how to notice these factors, how they manifest in the body, how they can be transformed or released, and how to facilitate the client’s participation in their own transformation. The program sites scientific research in the fields of bio-mechanics, somatics, psychology, trauma recovery, and health, to name a few. The references and reading materials are rooted in science and in proven methodologies, which allow the master yoga teacher to utilize multiple approaches with their clients. This school brings in other experts to teach students specific modalities that I have not seen other schools offer. In my opinion, this program is equivalent to a 2 year college degree and I feel absolutely confident in my ability to profoundly impact a client’s sense of well-being. – L.V.

The HEY – Healing Emphasis Yoga training is a comprehensive, yet highly flexible experience personal journey that ebbs and flows with the needs and interests of each client. Expert voices share healing modalities through hands-on yoga experiences and follow up with specific resource and literature choices to enrich your at home learning. Whether you are seeking quality teacher training, individual healing practices or both you will not be disappointed. The topic focused delivery gave me time to digest instruction through my personal practice and learning assignments in a friendly environment. The HEY program… illuminates multiple healing paths so that the mind, body and spirit can feel its way into a gentle unfolding of blessings. – C.K.

I found this program to contain an abundant amount of insightful educational experiential resources that advance my knowledge and skill as a yoga teacher, as well as broaden my range of abilities to better support my students and clients. If you are seeking to experience transformational growth this program is an amazing investment. – P.M. 

The HEY program actually helped me to transform my life. I was unaware of so many subconscious patterns and programs, prior to starting HEY… Throughout this program, I restructured my body and rewired my central nervous system. This reboot allowed me to release some very unhealthy patterns and behaviors that I was repeating that kept me stuck in a cyclical pattern of low self worth. Fear to Clear was a very powerful workshop for me because I was able to address and target some of my self limiting beliefs. I also loved the CSR, Yin, Nidra and Restorative classes. Those were the most impactful for me and will be some of the primary tools I use when I create my own business as a yoga therapist.  I would recommend this program to EVERYONE, even if you have no interest in using it for a career! – A.K.

This program has opened up my eyes to so much!  HEY training has been a life shifting experience for me.  As an instructional coach, I am grateful that all classes and teachers were prepared vs. flying by the seat of their pants… As a yoga teacher and facilitator, I am grateful to have been taught healing therapies (for) my yoga students.  So, on their behalf, I thank you! – N.T.

I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying integrating so many pieces of what I’ve learned into the practices I lead.  Your program is a part of who I am as a teacher and I can’t thank you enough. – B.P.

This is a life-changing program that improves the state of body and mind pretty much instantly. The combination of theory and practice is greatly appreciated. I appreciated in particular how I was always accommodated when I had a high workload and had to defer tasks… I also appreciate that everything taught has such a strong foundation in science. In a nutshell, I absolutely loved being in this program and would highly recommend it to anyone. – C.G.

Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy Training will take you on a unique and transformational journey, as you explore the depths of your own mind, body and heart, to discover who you really are and what you really want. Through this process of discovery and self-healing, you develop the awareness, compassion and trust to empower and guide others along their own therapeutic journey to health and healing. This program is an investment in yourself and the future you want to create!  – K.G.

I highly recommend this outstanding program for professional development.  The depth of knowledge and experience gained in the vital field of therapeutic yoga vastly exceeded my expectations. – S.A.

So after 2 days of protocol, I am now walking without a brace, can stand for long periods of time and feel stronger!! Wow! This excites me :). I get excited to share with you when it works for me or my students and I love trying out the tweaks that we’re taught :). It excites me that my body can remedy itself with this newfound knowledge 🙂  – N.T.

I can’t say enough about this program… (The HEY staff) are truly living their svadharma and share their wisdom with others so we can continue to pass it on.  I’m honored to say I’m a Healing Emphasis Yoga therapist and look forward to continuing to apply the teachings to my students.  – L.V.

I’ve benefitted and learned so much in this program. It truly has been life changing and I can’t thank Donna, Jeff, and all the other instructors enough. – L.D.

The program will change the way that you treat your body inside and out!  The biggest impact for me was the in-depth knowledge of alignment… Before starting the program I… had a lot of pain in my neck and shoulders.  I felt all that pain melt away with just a little bit of awareness and better alignment. – A.C.

I keep thinking of more things that I loved about the program! I loved the intensity of the anatomy pieces. It was a lot of work, but it was SO helpful to be able to look at a person and learn what they might be experiencing physically or energetically. I loved that each piece of HEY was truly integrated with the next. I don’t feel like there are pieces that don’t belong, and I don’t feel like I was ever taught anything that I wouldn’t use. I think the whole experience was maximized for me in every aspect. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to participate in this program. – M.S.

Jeff and Donna are some of the best teachers I’ve ever been in class with. There’s an element of trust when you are being led by someone with not only exceptional knowledge but also integrity and heart, and it really allowed me to be in my body and both let go and listen at the same time if that makes sense. Learning from you all has changed the way I practice, and for that I am grateful, so thank you both. – R.Z.

Thank you for all your teachings and the HEY program. It is definitely life changing for me. – C.G.

Thank you so much for an amazing (program). It not only has helped me grow as a yoga instructor, but also has helped me process my emotions in a very difficult two years. – H.N.

Through “Fear to Clear” I was able to approach all other HEY sessions with a better perspective… Though it’s an ongoing journey, I can now approach life with more love, joy, and understanding, without any false limits or handicaps.  I believe I am worthy.  I believe I am deeply loved.  I believe I can love deeply, without any fear of attachment or loss or judgement.  My heart is so full.  I am so truly grateful for tis experience and this community. – L.H.

This was a life-changing… and a career-changing experience. I have been able to understand my body and my samskaras of movement and posture because of this training in such a way that I’ve been able to eliminate so much chronic pain. In terms of my career, I started doing private client work while I was in this training… and by the time I graduated from the program I had already taught 300 hours of private client sessions because of my knowledge and confidence with private work due to this training. – N.H.

The HEY program not only broaden my knowledge of yoga and enhanced my scope of teaching, it also changed my life by improving my personal practice, health, strength, but also made me more aware of my potential as a woman and empowered me to share that knowledge with others. – D.L.

The HEY program was an intense, professional journey into how to help my students through the practice of therapeutic yoga.  I found the education on how to move the body … allowed me to immediately put the education into practice.  HEY prepared me to provide individualized classes for private clients as well as taught me new skills… I highly recommend this program.  -J.H.

You and the HEY program have profoundly impacted my life and my life’s work. Despite my formal training as a psychotherapist, I find HEY and my time with Inner Vision to have been the most impactful. I continue to bring it into my work as a somatic psychotherapist, yoga teacher and academic.  I am incredibly grateful for all that I have learned (and will continue to learn)…  -S.W.

I have taught more than 250 private client sessions, thanks to all that I have learned in this training… Private client work has become the backbone of my yoga teaching business and the best direction I could have gone as a yoga teacher (and) I would never have been able to have so many devoted clients without the HEY 300 hour training… Other teachers who are trying to get into private client work… don’t realize that they are missing the training that will make their teaching the kind that potential clients need…

I have received the greatest value in terms of understanding my own healing path. I no longer have most of the chronic (Fibromyalgia) pain I’ve endured since childhood.  – NH

This is all a spiritual experience for me.  I am so grateful to be a part of this.  I have a strong appreciation for our in-person meetings and there’s nothing like it, that’s why we do what we do.  And I’m also grateful that we can continue to learn in new ways… I’m healing myself so I may help others heal. – LJV

The HEY certification gave me the opportunity to go deeper in my understanding of yoga and applying therapy to yoga. The curriculum was deep and well rounded, as well as challenging! …I felt like I could look at my students with therapeutic eyes and answer their individual questions. – D.G.

I have been incorporating the teachings into my practice and coaching over the last couple years, which has allowed me some beautiful opportunities to be in the therapy practices for myself and others… I am inspired and ready to take this out in to the world. There’s so much potential. – L.S.

As a 500+ hour ERYT, I was skeptical about jumping into another training. But the HEY program was very useful in my everyday teaching as well as giving me new skills and tools as a teacher. Highly recommended! – L.C.

Amazing experience that will help you grow as teacher, while teaching you about yourself.  I feel more confident about myself and my teaching. – Anon

What I found within the HEY program was more than I could have ever wanted or expected. Not only are Jeff, Donna, Heath, and the other guest instructors amazing mentors, the community of students you connect with are also your biggest cheerleaders and encouragers. As I complete this phenomenal program, I know I am equipped with a truly impressive toolbox that will guide me throughout all of my teaching years to come. Most importantly, as I complete this program, I know that what I share with others will be the best and most authentic version of what I can offer. This program has helped peel back so many layers of false insecurities and false identities that I did not know I had. It has helped me heal in ways I did not know I ever needed. For all of that and more, I will be forever grateful. – J.T.

I would recommend this program to anyone who would like to experience an adventure in self discovery and understanding… Each experience brought about  different level of understanding of who I am and what my purpose may be… (and) has opened doors for me to work with others in ways I would have never expected.  Thank you. – S.B.D.

The HEY yoga therapy program opened me up to a greater understanding of health and wellness.  It has provided me (with) knowledge and understanding of how the physical body works in relation to the mind, and how the mind works in the body.  I always felt that there was more to health than I was being exposed to… The HEY program ha provided me with the missing puzzle pieces.  I have experienced and used much of what I learned in this program on myself and I feel confident to share and help empower others! – A.V.

I feel I am a much better instructor now and have so many tools that I can use in my own personal practice that will enable me to continue to practice yoga now and thru the years ahead… I have truly felt enriched through the experience. – S.C.

After having taught yoga for several years, taking this Healing Emphasis Yoga (HEY) Program improved my skills of observation, cuing and looking beyond, merely asana practice and greatly enhanced my ability to guide & instruct students, both individually and collectively.  There is simply no way this material can be covered in a mere 200 hour program. Any yoga instructor looking to hone his or her skills and confidence should consider this course.  – Sharon C.

The Healing Emphasis Yoga program allowed me to dive deeper into my yoga practice as a practitioner, as a teacher, and as a therapist.  Not only did I deepen my understanding of yoga, I found a deeper connection to and awareness of myself as a person.  This program changed my life, it changed my practice and it changed my teaching…all for the positive.  It was hard work, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.  The instructors have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field and, even more importantly, a passion to share it with others.  We had the opportunity to learn through a hands-on and experiential format, with the opportunity to integrate new information and material for several weeks between each session. Personally, I experienced healing on many levels throughout my time here. I would give my highest recommendation for the HEY program for anyone interested in deepening their practice and learning more about the use of yogic modalities for therapeutic settings. -A.K.

I truly learned that I do matter, that I am enough.  I found a new voice and new confidence for teaching.  – D.M.

If you want to learn and grow exponentially, both as a person and a yogi, this is the program to sign up for.  The teachers are top-notch, definitely some of the best I have ever trained with. – E.B.

I am very, very comfortable teaching … thanks to all I learned in the program.  I’ve always been confident in leading classes, but the difference now is that I can go soooo much deeper in what I offer because I understand and experience at a much deeper level.  I am truly grateful for that. – L.A.

Inner Vision Yoga’s Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy Program is top notch. When I was ready to expand my education after my 200 hour teaching certification, I attended the Healing with the 8 Limbs of Yoga workshop and was immediately blown away at how my mis-alignments in physical body could give insight as to the mental/emotional imbalances I was going through. I knew then and there that I desired to learn how to read the human body in this same way in order to help guide others on their own healing journey. Thanks to the amazing team of teachers for sharing their knowledge with passion and enthusiasm! – T.G.

I looked high and low, for a long time, to join the ‘right’ yoga therapy program.  Inner Vision had the Trauma Release/CSR training I really felt drawn to learn/teach and the very best reputation.  Best decision I have made for this journey:) – L.A.

This HEY program is an outstanding opportunity to deepen your practice, both personally and with your clients – not just with yoga, but with all forms of therapy work.  It is a transformative program that will forever change how you perceive, interpret, and teach.  I use the concepts not only in my yoga classes, but also in other disciplines of Eastern arts that I practice and teach.  This program has greatly accelerated my personal growth and deepened my skills at guiding the growth of others.  I give it my highest recommendation. – S.S.

The HEY yoga therapy program is outstanding and amazing! I would like to thank you and Jeff for your kind words and also for your support and encouragement throughout the entire HEY training…  I believe that the two of you are amazing master teachers and I am honored that I had the opportunity to work with both of you…  I knew after attending my first weekend workshop that I needed more of this training. – B.T.

(T)his well-rounded program… is invaluable in guiding clients to see themselves in the highest light… The environment in class, the materials presented, the knowledge of the instructors, and the completeness of the topics discussed is exceptional.  It is a journey worth taking.  HEY Therapy Training is a top notch program that brings forth the philosophy that health is not only absence of disease, rather health is a vibration of positive energy that is emitted in all aspects of your life. – T.T.

When I was thinking about doing a MASTER LEVEL Program I looked everywhere and was SO THRILLED to find HEY. As a 200 hour graduate of IVY, I KNEW I would receive AMAZING, TOP NOTCH training from the Staff (besides the studio environment is not at all intimidating!). Jeff told me this would be transformational –  I had NO idea how right he was or what that meant! HEY training came at a time in my life that taught me to open up to the possibilities of change and to move through the discomforts of my life (and my thinking). It educated, guided and supported me to a new level of knowing myself. I made some life changing decisions because of it — and survived! LOL. This training helped me to become a better version of myself, so I can help my clients to do the same… It was a perfect follow up. NO DOUBT,  was A LOT of HARD work.. but worth every tear (and dollar) I spent. I am so grateful for HEY. I’m honored and blessed to be a graduate of the program. – R.Z.

The HEY Program is the most powerful and transformational training program I have ever experienced. The training you receive is top notch, and fully prepares you to be a practicing yoga therapist. That said, it is a very personal journey as well that will transform and heal you from the inside out on every level – physical, mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual. I feel so incredibly blessed to have received this training. Most importably, my clients feel safe and that they are in capable hands with “projects” that are so sensitive and deeply personal. THANK YOU!  -D.R.

This program is amazing, I love that everything we are taught we experience ourselves first. When I started the program the teachers said it will change your life. I didn’t believe them at first. Not only did it change my life, it saved it, I really don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t have the program in my life. There is so much self reflection and healing therapy work that you really understand the power of what you are being taught and how you can pass that on to others! I’m more confident, positive, and powerful in the way I lead my life and my classes and clients, I highly recommend this program and the wonderful teachers! – A.F.

I enjoyed every minute of the HEY teacher training program.  There was so much useful information that I will be able to use in my instruction, practice, and personal life – on and off the mat. – C.D.

This program provides so much practical, hands-on knowledge of how to assist our students. Right from the beginning, I felt more confident in leading a group class and answering questions from individuals.  I have grown personally, as well as a teacher in so many ways that I feel like I came out the other end completely changed! – C.L.

Your program is so abundant in information, experience, and quality, that I feel I have a wealth of new-to-me tips, insights, approaches, etc. to draw upon and share with my students. Being in HEY has reignited my love of teaching, and what you provide is feeding me in such a way that I am now able to feed others more along the lines of how I’ve always wanted to. – E.B.

This is a unique training about your own capacity for personal transformation as well as how to teach yoga to others as a path for personal growth and acceptance. HEY TT is deeply exploratory with time, tools and readings provided to take your sensitivity and skills to more subtle levels. You will be able to create safety and inspire courage to simply open and try, to be in our bodies even when they are challenged. It will help you to reach those in psychic or physical distress and pain and do no harm. These healing modalities allow everybody to experience the richness of the eight fold path. – A.J. (PhD, M.D.)

This program brings a wonderful world of healing on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally. We explore from the wide universal level down to the smallest level of quarks and thoughts – all pointing to the beautiful mind/body relationship. The teachers lead with passion, skill and dedication. – W.J.

This program is highly recommended for those who want to transform their lives from the inside out. Jeff and Donna compassionately lead and guide us through an evolutionary approach to healing in which we peel away the habitual holding patterns and discover the deeper Truths of our Highest Nature. It is a journey of depth and self discovery. – C.R.

The program asks for so much (time, energy, heart…), and what it gives makes it absolutely worth it. Not only did this program create ways for me to grow as a teacher, it also helped me grow as a person. – A.M.

The HEY teacher training was a very comprehensive program that exceeded my expectations. The program provided an in-depth study of various techniques not only in terms of healing the physical body but also on a mental and spiritual level requiring significant self-study and introspection. – L.T.

This program is far beyond amazing. Learning so much about myself has made me realize that I am perfect as I am. I have brought a new confidence to my teaching along with a wide variety of knowledge that was provided in the program. I highly recommend the HEY program as it is truly transformational on so many levels. – Anon

More Comments: 2013 and earlier

The Healing Emphasis Yoga Therapy has been enlightening and I love the focus on healing from the inside out through the many yogic tools (breath, meditation, consciousness, physical practice, and alignment) to challenge habits and ailments.  The teachers are masters in their knowledge of the healing process. I would highly recommend this program. Lori H.

This program is amazing! It has transformed me personally and as a teacher. I have so much more to offer clients. Sandi S.

I am enjoying this program so much and appreciate your feedback. I realize you are busy but you still always respond quickly. You do a wonderful job at motivating us and always keeping things clear and fair as far as guidelines and goals. I can’t express my gratitude enough for you, Jeff, Maggie and Inner Vision’s HEY program. The program is challenging as it needs to be, so that as yoga therapists, we will be prepared to offer substantial and effective tools in one’s plan for well being. Cindy G.

I really appreciate your support Donna and I am loving the program. It truly feels like home to me and you and Jeff are inspiring and grounding. C.G.

This weekend was phenomenal! I wanted to give Jeff a standing ovation on Sunday after he tied it all together so brilliantly during the Yin practice. Everyone is talking about it!!! WOW, is all I can say. Carolyn R.

I am loving this HEY training and it is transforming my life in a beautiful way! I am grateful to you and Jeff for sharing your knowledge. Meredyth J

I again want you to know what amazing teachers you and Jeff are, how thorough you attend to the lessons and trainings and HW –it continues to amaze me and I am so thankful. Amy J.

*The yoga therapy components of our course(s) are based on the latest scientific studies, over 20 years direct experience in the field of holistic health and the use of yoga as a therapeutic healing modality.  This program unifies years of study and applied teaching at the intersection point of somatic healing, psychology, and Patanjali’s approach to “yoga therapy” which centers on changing your self-concept and recognizing true Self-identity.  The “therapy” component is not derived from our status as an RYS® with Yoga Alliance Registry.